Welcome to Garretson Elementary Counselor's Corner!
 My name is Janie Lundberg and I am very happy to be the Garretson Elementary School Counselor. I have Master of Science degree in School Counseling, from SDSU. I also have Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Psychology. I am a caring professional who works with students, parents, teachers, staff and the community. My passion is to help all students achieve academic and social success. I highly value parental input. Please feel free to contact me with any comments, questions or concerns. Janie.Lundberg@k12.sd.us or (605)-594-3451 #2, #3
School Counseling services are delivered in a variety of ways: - Individual Counseling- I may work with students in a safe, positive and confidential setting to address issues that "get in the way" of school achievement. Topics are based on the needs of the students and may include such areas as: understanding feelings, changing families/divorce, grief, stress, social skills, academics, bullying, problem-solving and decision-making.
- Small Group Counseling- A process where students sharing similar issues or concerns work together in a small group environment. The group sessions typically last 20-30 minutes and are held for approximately 6 weeks. Topics are based on the needs of the students and may include divorce/changing families, grief and loss, friendship and social skills, conflict resolution, anger management, self-esteem and stress-management.
- Classroom counseling Lessons- I implement K-5 classroom curriculum. Classroom lessons are regularly scheduled and may address such topics as: personal, social, academic, and career-related needs at the child's developmental level. Topics may include self-esteem, tattling/reporting, responsibility, respect, teasing/bullying, friendship, cooperation, goal setting/decision making and peer pressure. Topics may be driven by the needs of the school population.
- Responsive Services- I assist with immediate student needs (counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, referral and peer mediation).
- System Support- I am involved with school-wide program planning and implementation, state testing, consulting with other professionals and coordination of various supports for students and families including the Adult and High School Mentor Program.
DISCLAIMER: The Garretson School District has made every reasonable attempt to insure that webpages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the Garretson School District Acceptable Use Policy. Logo courtesy of graphic designer and Garretson graduate J.T. Nelson.
Ms. Lundberg's Schedule
Monday 8:30-9:00 1st Grade Tuesday 8:30-9:00 2nd Grade 2:35-3:05 Kindergarten Weds. 8:30-0:00 3rd Grade 2:35-3:05 Kindergarten Thursday 8:30-9:00 4th Grade Friday 8:30-9:00 5th Grade
District Expectations
- Show respect to yourself, others, and all property
- Keep hands, feet and other objects tor yourself
- Be an involved and responsible learner